Some Hobby!
On February 4, 1725, English entomologist Dru Drury was born. Working as a silversmith and properties owner, Drury supported himself, his family, and his evolving passion for his bug collecting hobby. He became one of England’s foremost names in the scientific study of insects…
Father of Chinese Ornithology
On November 18, 1906, Chinese ornithologist Tso-hsin Cheng [Zheng Zuoxin] was born. As a boy, he learned to identify the birds in the Fujian forests by their calls. Travelling to the United States, Cheng completed doctoral studies at University of Michigan before taking a…
The Camera Guide
On October 28, 1853, landscape photographer Frank J. Haynes was born in Saline Michigan. At various times, he was the “Official Photographer” of the Northern Pacific Railroad, the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and Yellowstone National Park. Haynes was part of a winter expedition in 1887…
Ukkusiksalik National Park
On August 23, 2003, Ukkusiksalik, became Nunavut’s 4th and Canada’s 41st national park. Pronounced /ooo koo SIK sa lik/, the name Ukkusiksalik refers to the carvable stone found in the area from which an ukkusik [pot] is made. Just south of the Arctic Circle…
World Oceans Day
Yearly, on June 8, World Oceans Day recognizes 71% of our planet as an interconnected entity since all oceans are linked and flow together as one. Marine life moves without regard for ocean label. Unfortunately, so does acid rain and pollution that can move…
World Environment Day
On June 5, 2024, World Environment Day celebrates its 51st anniversary. This year, the focus – #GenerationRestoration – calls our attention to growing forests, reviving water sources, and bringing back soils. – advising us to become the generation that can make peace with land.…
Running With Wolves
On April 27, 1947, American forester and conservationist Mollie H. Beattie was born. The first woman Director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Beattie fought to conserve species by managing whole ecosystems rather than waiting until individual species were endangered. “What a country…
Earth Day
April 22, Earth Day, is celebrated around the world as tens of millions of people make time to attend their environment. The United Nations calls this International Mother Earth Day because “Mother Earth” is a multi-national common expression used in most cultural references to…
Life as a Global Citizen
On March 13, 1941, American biophysicist and environmentalist Donella (Dana) Meadows was born. She was a professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. Meadows regarded sustainability as something experienced through living it, an ability she saw in humankind to meet the needs…
Yellowstone National Park
On March 1, 1872, U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant declared Yellowstone a National Park. Located principally in what is today Wyoming, Yellowstone was not explored until late in the 19th century. By that time, geologists and naturalists were able to help bring to the…