World Water Day
On March 22, 2022, we celebrate World Water Day, a special day for focusing upon the most vital food for life on Earth. Each year, the United Nations Organization chooses a special water focus that has included water for cities, groundwater, health, disasters, scarcity, sanitation, food and security, and water waste. This year, the day’s theme is “Leaving no one behind” – that for sustainable development throughout the world, everyone must benefit from access to safe, clean water.

UNESCO began focusing on water related matters in 1956 and has worked towards today’s present level of freshwater awareness, water programs, project initiatives, and international cooperatives. The organization hosts include water education facilities, equitable management support, water assessment, and global reporting on water resources. It coordinates world water programs with the world meteorology programs and international flood networks.
World Water Day is one event in a series of events, meetings, conferences, seminars, and summits taking place in different locations around the globe. UNESCO has identified several messages about water that are vital to the people, corporations, and governments on our planet. Our cooperation on water resources and management benefit all persons. Water cooperation promotes equitable access to the maximum number of people, creates economic benefits, will preserve resources, protect the environment, and help build peace between states.
World Water Day is a good day to remember that most of the world’s population live on the driest places on Earth. Hundreds of millions do not have access to clean water and over three times that number do not have access to adequate sanitation. Millions die every year from water-related disasters and diseases. This World Water Day is also a good moment to examine our own access to water and how respectful we are in our use of this irreplaceable, life-sustaining resource and its intricately bound resource relations.
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