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Summer Camp Bondar Challenge Winners

The Roberta Bondar Foundation recognizes Individual Summer Camps registered for the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge, and selects winners from every participating organization.

We also choose Overall Category Winners from each GEM level across all camps to see images in a cross-country Summer Camp Bondar Challenge.

These images may be chosen to travel with The Foundation’s Travelling Exhibition and Learning Experience at selected venues in Canada and internationally.

The most recent winners are highlighted on this page, see left-side navigation bar for previous years. Congratulations to all participants!


Images by Overall Category Winners are arranged by GEM card level, to reflect the degree of difficulty in completing one of the four levels of the Bondar Challenge.

A quick link to the winner of a specific level is available by clicking on the GEM card name below:

Emerald Level — entry level or beginner
Ruby Level
Sapphire Level
Diamond Level — most experienced, most difficult


The Overall Emerald Level Winners of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge are “Log In The Woods” by Yale Sugar of Camp Tawingo and “Cactus Beauty” by a camper from Camp Henry.


The Overall Ruby Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Jelly Fish Mushroom” by Keya Chitte of Camp Tawingo.


The Overall Sapphire Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Fairy Castle” by Rebecca Charrette of Camp Tawingo.

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Images by individual Camp Winners presented below are arranged by the name of the participating Summer Camp.

A quick link to a specific summer camp with its winning images is available by clicking on the names below:

The First Place Emerald Level Winner of Camp Centennial is “Pond of Peace” by Berkley Nodwell.

The First Place Emerald Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Untitled” by Asantewah.

The Second Place Emerald Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Waves” by a camper.

The First Place Ruby Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Rocks in the Lake” by James Kellesis.

The Second Place Ruby Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Tree in the Woods” by a camper.

The Third Place Ruby Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Days Like These” by a camper.

The First Place Sapphire Level Winner of Camp Henry is “The Lady Mushroom” by Esmé Donofrio.

The Second Place Sapphire Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Yummy Purple Flower But It’s Old” by Katey E.

The Third Place Sapphire Level Winner of Camp Henry is “Forest” by Mya Youssef.

The First Place Ruby Level Winner of Riverview Park and Zoo is “The Hole to the Water” by Emery MacDonald.

The Second Place Ruby Level Winner of Riverview Park and Zoo is “Just Keep Swimming” by Jackson Krant.

The Third Place Ruby Level Winner of Riverview Park and Zoo is “Leaves Near the Water” by Hazel Hood.

The First Place Sapphire Level Winner of Camp Tapawingo is “Untitled” by Sadie Pedlar.

The Second Place Sapphire Level Winner of Camp Tapawingo is “Untitled” by Abby Somers.

The First Place Emerald Level Winner of Camp Tawingo is “White Snow” by Carraig McCormick.

The Second Place Emerald Level Winner of Camp Tawingo is “Magical Trees” by Phoebe Gordon.

The First Place Ruby Level Winner of Camp Tawingo is “Recycled Life” by Morgan Harris.

The Second Place Ruby Level Winner of Camp Tawingo is “Small River” by Sam Barnard.

The First Place Sapphire Level Winner of Camp Tawingo is “Summer Bloom” by Avery McCarten.

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