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Fine-Tuning Focus

Fine-Tuning Focus

On July 24, 1843, chemist, photographer, and astronomer Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney was born. Raised in a family and circle of friends all interested in photography, Abney, like many members of photographic clubs and societies, experimented with film and its chemistry. In at…

2015 Pluto Flyby

2015 Pluto Flyby

Wow! Some incredible Flyby! Have we been following this? You bet! THEN… keep current with great mission insights, video, and terrific special features of the New Horizons spacecraft on its New Horizons Mission page. WHERE is New Horizons right now?Check out NASA’s track of…

Class Actions

Class Actions

On May 23, 1707, Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist Carolus (Carl) Linnaeus was born. He laid the foundation for the modern scheme of taxonomy, the classification of plants and animals. When Linnaeus studied medicine, botany was an important part of medical studies because doctors…

Industry Meets THE Doctor!

Industry Meets THE Doctor!

On February 27, 1869, American physician, bacteriologist, and industrial medicine expert Dr. Alice Hamilton was born. She was one well-prepared doctor. Hamilton graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School, pursued internships at hospitals for women and children, and then bacteriology and pathology at…