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In the Blood

In the Blood

On June 14, 1868, Austrian-American immunologist and serologist Dr. Karl Landsteiner was born. Early in his research of blood properties, he had concluded that agglutinin, a substance that causes particles to aggregate in a thickened mass, varied between blood types. He demonstrated how human…

A Hurricane Force

A Hurricane Force

On March 27, 1905, aeronautical engineer Elizabeth Muriel Gregory “Elsie” MacGill was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. Attracted first to the red-hot field of radio, she became the first woman electrical engineering graduate from the University of Toronto. Working her first job at the…

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Today the world celebrates International Women’s Day to commemorate the contribution of women locally and globally. We salute women who have and continue to inspire, women who have paved the way for so many who follow, role models, heroines, firsts in so many fields…