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2022 Summer Camp Bondar Challenge Winners

The Roberta Bondar Foundation recognizes Individual Summer Camps registered for the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge and selects winners from every participating organization.

We also choose Overall Category Winners from each GEM level across all camps to see images in a cross-country Summer Camp Bondar Challenge.

These images may be chosen to travel with The Foundation’s Travelling Exhibition and Learning Experience at selected venues in Canada and internationally.

Congratulations to all participants!


Images by Overall Category Winners are arranged by GEM card level, to reflect the degree of difficulty in completing one of the four levels of the Bondar Challenge.

A quick link to the winner of a specific level is available by clicking on the GEM card name below:

Emerald Level — entry level or beginner
Ruby Level
Sapphire Level
Diamond Level — most experienced, most difficult


The First Place Emerald Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Anatis” by Gage G. of Camp Centennial. 

The Second Place Emerald Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Buzzy Bee” by Samuel MacMichael of Camp Centennial. 

The Third Place Emerald Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Clover Closeup” by Tony Zhong of Camp Centennial. 


The First Place Ruby Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “No Honey Bee, Honey Wasp” by Ellie Gatt of Riverview Park & Zoo. 

The Second Place Ruby Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Mysterious Tree” by Alaina Chyurlia Fletcher of Camp Tanamakoon. 

The Third Place Ruby Level Winners of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge are “Blue Pine” by Avery McCarten of Camp Tawingo and “A Wispy Day” by Stellan Young of Riverview Park & Zoo. 


The First Place Sapphire Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Not All Spiders are Scary” by Paige Lennox of Camp Tanamakoon. 

The Second Place Sapphire Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Looking Up” by Amelia Finley of Camp Tanamakoon. 

The Third Place Sapphire Level Winner of the Summer Camp Bondar Challenge is “Smile” by Campbell Thomspon of Camp Tawingo. 

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Images by individual Camp Winners presented below are arranged by the name of the participating Summer Camp.

A quick link to a specific summer camp with its winning images is available by clicking on the names below:

Camp Centennial
Riverview Park and Zoo
Camp Tawingo
Camp Tanamakoon

The Winner of Camp Centennial is “Morning Rain” by Xavier Cormier. 

The Winner of Riverview Park and Zoo is “Thick Bee” by Simone Watson. 

The Winner of Camp Tawingo is “Drip and Drop Mushroom” by Charlotte O’Hea. 

The Winner of Camp Tanamakoon is “Egg and Tofu” by Eve Connell. 

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