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Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive, Science North, 2023-2024

After its debut at the Art Gallery of Algoma in Sault Ste. Marie, Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive travelled to Science North in Sudbury Ontario. The exhibition opened at Science North on November 10, and Dr. Bondar gave a keynote presentation entitled Patterns & Parallels: Avian Migration, from Invisible to Visible at the opening to a capacity crowd of 200 enthusiastic attendees.

Science North Opening Day. In photo from left to right: Sarah Chisnell, Acting Director, Education and Northern Programs – Science North, Bonnie M. Patterson, Chair Board of Directors – The Roberta Bondar Foundation,
Dr. Roberta L Bondar C.C. O.Ont. M.D. Ph.D. FRCP FRSC FRCGS, Amy Henson, ‪Senior Scientist, Science Centre Operations, Franco Mariotti, Science North Bluecoat Emeritus.

The Roberta Bondar Foundation and Science North staff at the opening of Patterns & Parallels at Science North.

Bonnie M. Patterson, Chair Board of Directors – The Roberta Bondar Foundation, delivers opening remarks at the exhibition opening at Science North.

Franco Mariotti, Science North Bluecoat Emeritus, delivers opening remarks at the exhibition opening at Science North.

Amy Henson, ‪Senior Scientist, Science Centre Operations – Science North delivers opening remarks at the exhibition opening at Science North.

Sarah Chisnell, Acting Director, Education and Northern Programs – Science North delivers opening remarks at the exhibition opening at Science North.

Dr. Bondar introduces the exhibition to Science North guests.

Guests hear opening remarks.

Guests arriving at Science North to attend the exhibition opening and Roberta’s keynote presentation.

Bonnie M. Patterson, Chair Board of Directors – The Roberta Bondar Foundation and Dr. Bondar.
Thumbs up for a successful debut at Science North!
Sarah Chisnell, Acting Director, Education and Northern Programs – Science North introduces Dr. Bondar to guests attending the keynote presentation.
Dr. Bondar delivers her keynote presentation.
Guests in the IMAX Theatre for Dr. Bondar’s keynote presentation and a screening of the IMAX original documentary Deep Sky.
Dr Bondar explains Montage Saskatchewan Liftoff.
Dr. Bondar explains Wings Up.
Discussing exhibition images with Science North staff.