STEAM – Infinite Possibilities
Peterborough, Ontario
World’s first neurologist in space, Dr. Roberta Bondar, launched the #FemSteamPtbo initiative with her keynote about the infinite possibilities open to STEAM minds. FemSTEAM of Peterborough hosted girls from Grades 7 and 8 girls at Whetung Theatre, Fleming College.
Based on the concept and vision – “If You Can See Me You Can Be Me” – Peterborough’s women in STEAM have organized to inspire and assist improving the awareness and resources to young females in the Greater Peterborough region about education and career options in STEAM and Skill Trades.
Oct 11 2019
Jessica Nyznik, Examiner Staff Writer
Opportunities out of this world, former astronaut Roberta Bondar tells girls
Great photos by Clifford Skarstedt, Examiner
Oct 11 2019
Noor Ibrahim, CHEX News Global Peterborough
Hundreds of girls encouraged to follow their “STEAM” dreams