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These online storytelling tools are designed to put a map in its given context and provide viewers with all the supporting information they need. This makes StoryMaps incredible stand-alone resources! Viewers are presented with interactive maps alongside legends, images, and text all in a linear web page for you to scroll and unlock the story.

We created our own StoryMaps that explore topics related to bird migration, such as:

  • Why do birds migrate?
  • Where do birds migrate?
  • How has migration changed over time because of human impacts?
  • What challenges do humans need to help birds overcome on their migrations?


If you’re new to StoryMaps, watch this video to learn how to navigate and interact with the content:

Ready for your virtual fieldtrip?

The StoryMaps are available in two ways:


This photo links directly to the collection to present the Project StoryMap and seven Species StoryMaps in order to tell the full AMASS narrative

Screenshot of StoryMaps collection

Individual StoryMaps

These links direct to each of the StoryMaps, with the first being the overall Project StoryMap and subsequent seven Species StoryMaps, to allow viewers to skip to the story or species of their choice

Slide with the text AMASS/Space for Birds - Bird Migration and an image of Red Knots flying against blue sky
Slide with the text Whooping Crane and an aerial photo of brown ponds in green wetland
Slide with the text Lesser Flamingo and a photo of pink birds on a blue lake with mountains in the distance
Slide with the word Black-tailed Godwit and a space image of light blue land on the edge of dark blue ocean
Slide with the text Piping Plover and an image of a small bird walking on a sand and rock beach
Slide with the text Curlew Sandpiper with a space image of pink sand dunes beside blue ocean
Slide with the text Red Knot and a photo of two birds on a sandy beach with waves in background
Slide with text Sprague's Pipit and an aerial photo of grasslands with roads cutting through

Colour Blind Friendly Versions

All of our StoryMaps also come in colour blind friendly palettes. Access the collection through the photo below

Screenshot of Colour Blind Friendly StoryMaps collection

Follow these birds on their formidable journeys across the Earth!

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