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Earth Day

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April 22, Earth Day, is celebrated around the world as tens of millions of people make time to attend their environment.

The United Nations calls this International Mother Earth Day because “Mother Earth” is a multi-national common expression used in most cultural references to our planet home.

Thousands of governments – from local to regional to state, provincial or federal – plan awareness campaigns and activities to encourage their citizens to commit to taking some action that will protect their environment. Individuals can effect these at home, at school, at work, out anywhere in the community, or even while travelling. These range from simple water conservation to forming habits and routines that reduce, reuse, and recycle commonly-used materials to taking extreme care while walking through fragile ecosystems… to holding leaders to commit to taking Climate Action.

One planet-smart act at a time. That is how Nobel Peace Prize Professor Wangari Maathai started Kenyan tree planting… over 50 million trees ago!

Many celebrate Mother Earth Day on the vernal equinox as a season-appropriate festival. Many governments and active environmental groups extend their observation throughout a week or a month of events and activities.

One hour, one day, one week, one month of attention will not adequately address or solve the problems we’ve caused our home planet. BUT… every individual makes a real difference with each planet-smart action however small. Wherever and whenever, an Earth-focused day is a call to each of us to increase our awareness of and to take serious personal responsibility for the health of our environment. In every way we can.

As we work to help heal our planet home, NASA shows and shares – globally – how we are all connected to and by Earth — whether it’s the trees and plants that give us the oxygen we breathe, the snow-capped mountains that provide the water we drink, or the breathtaking geophysical forces that shape the land beneath our feet. NASA has over 20 satellites measuring the height of oceans and inland water, clouds and precipitation, carbon dioxide and much more. By understanding our changing world, we can improve lives and safeguard our future.

We can see what we have done. We can see how much more we have left to do.


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